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© 2016 CenterPointe Baptist Church

2022 Church Mission








  1. Identify


  1. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will identify individuals who are not saved and/or not connected to a Christian church



  1. Inspire


  1. With loving counseling and sharing of testimonies, we will seek to inspire people to either strengthen their relationship with the Holy Trinity or to learn about and establish a relationship with the Holy Trinity.



  1. Invite


  1. We will invite people to accept GOD the Father as our Creator; Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior; and the Holy Spirit as comforter and counselor.

  2. We will invite people who do not have a church home to make CenterPointe their church home.




We embark upon this mission with the full understanding that GOD is in control of all things and that it is up to everyone to “rescue” themselves by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

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